Saturday , July 27 2024

Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits Module 8: Recap and Conclusion.  What have we learned?

Welcome to the final module in my short course on epithermal gold-silver minerals deposits. Hopefully your improved understanding of economic mineral deposits provides a more confident foundation for your investing activities.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

About Keith Barron

Dr. Barron is an exploration geologist with over 36 years experience in the mining sector in commodities as diverse as uranium, platinum, rare earths, diamonds, base metals, industrial minerals and now sapphires, but his first love has always been gold. To date he has lived and worked in 18 countries and prospected all the continents except for Antarctica. In 2001, he privately founded Ecuador gold explorer Aurelian Resources Inc., which he listed on the TSX-V in 2003 and went on to make the colossal Fruta del Norte gold discovery in 2006 (13.7 M oz Au). He is the founder, Director, and major shareholder of uranium explorer U3O8 Corp. (UWE:TSX), and Director of Firestone Ventures Inc. (FV:TSX-V). Dr. Barron is presently President and CEO of Aurania Resources Ltd. (ARU:TSX-V). At the PDAC convention in March 2008 he was awarded the Thayer Lindsley International Discovery Award for his role in the discovery of the Fruta del Norte gold deposit and he was also jointly named the Northern Miner’s Mining Man of the Year 2008. He holds a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Western Ontario and a BSc. (Hons) in Geology from the University of Toronto.

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Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits Module 7: Exploration has gone High Tech

Welcome to the next module in my short course on epithermal gold-silver minerals deposits designed …


  1. Just want to thank you for sharing all this information. I have been following your work for years now since I became an Aurelian Shareholder, as a student. I welcome a CEO with open arms who stays humble, grassroots, and shares the basic view of how things work in economic geology. Please continue to do so.

    I would value some information or videos on copper gold porphyry deposits. Perhaps you could mention the way you approach an exploration program too. Each stage, and each technique applied. This has been somewhat covered within your Aurania videos, but perhaps there have been some missing elements.

    I love how you applied new techniques in the field, and also the manner in which you approach and respect the locals. Makes me want to come over and work for you in some shape or form. Ship me off to Papua New Guinea!?

  2. Keith, thank you for putting this series of epithermal deposits together. I found them very insightful and enterataining to boot. Much appreicated.

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