Tuesday , October 22 2024

Tag Archives: gold

A Licence to Print Money

Straight Talk On Mining #33 - A license to Print Money

“Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich.” Ford stared in disbelief at the crowd who were murmuring appreciatively at this and greedily fingering the wads of leaves with which their track suits were stuffed. ‘But …

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2016 PDAC Special Part 2

Z Hut

2016 PDAC Special: this is the second half of a chapter from my book “The Last Great Adventure, Part One”, (a work in progress). When the book finally gets published the profits will go to the Baca Ortiz Hospital for Children in Quito. One day I got a phone call …

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Gold Manipulation – Nothing New Under the Sun

Abraham Lincoln Memorial

“The fact that their scheme might bankrupt innocent men, destroy commerce, ruin the country’s standing in the world credit markets, and cover themselves with scandal never entered the conversation”. – The Gold Ring A small clique of speculators, industrialists, and bankers, aided and abetted by a few Washington insiders and …

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Funny Money

Monopoly Money

The following words were written in 1976! “To consider what is immediately practicable as well as desirable, we believe that it would be very unwise for any country or for the IMF to pursue policies (e.g. large gold sales or purchases) that would cause big fluctuations in the world gold …

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Bull Riding Ain’t Just for Texans

It never fails to amaze me; the material that passes for informed financial journalism these days. Most of it is complete fluff – the worst of it is actually hazardous to your financial well-being. The gold story continues to be dumbed-down into bite-sized, easily-digestible morsels by the mainstream media. This …

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Let’s Get Physical!

Every few days or so I get a question from someone about purchasing physical gold. Randall Oliphant of Barrick Gold recently said in an interview that most new gold production goes into the jewellery market, predominantly in India, and talked about the gold business benefiting from a jewellery marketing campaign. …

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There’s gold in them thar hills!

Mining for gold

Market commentary Gold is now sitting at a 2 year high and things have never looked more golden. Marshall McLuhan said “The medium is the message.” Many commentators overlook an extremely important factor in today’s market reality and that is getting your message out – not so much the content …

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The Gold Share Market Entering a Second Phase

The Gold Share Market Entering a Second Phase In the past week the Canadian national newspaper, the National Post, had a special insert on Mutual Funds: the Precious Metals Fund category average one-year return as of March 31st was 68.49%, the highest of any mutual fund category. Under the caption …

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Straight Talk on Silver: Part 1


Market Commentary: They call it “convergence” in advertising. The CNN-AOL-Time Warner machine blitzkrieged us with unrelenting, shameless, in-your-face, blatant, HYPE; contriving and conspiring to fashion something as inconsequential as the opening of a kid’s movie – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Philosophers’ Stone in UK) – into not just …

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